Republishing 2004 Whiteboard Project

In 2004, I exhibited three dry erase coated diagrams and six vinyl banners, after George Lakoff’s “Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think” (1996).To facilitate conversations, I was present during the run of the exhibit, which was located in a storefront on State and Randolph in Chicago, a space the city (now DCASE) ran at the time. I am putting this back out because a new printing of the book was just announced for September 2016, and Lakoff is commenting on the current election with this same material. The diagram below summarizes the main thesis that politics are rooted in conceptions of family structure. There are two more diagrams on this site, one about funding and another about education.


Artist, professor [Arts Administration and Policy] at SAIC.

Posted in art, exhibitions, facilitating